BiPE Online Store


“Miss Priss is Missing!” BiPE Mini


16 pages / black and white / 4.25 in x 5.5 in / $3.00 (+ $2.00 shipping and handling)


BiPE Volume 1

12 pages / color / 5.5 in x 8.5 in / $5.00 (+ $2.00 shipping and handling)

* Free sketch on inside cover! (leave instructions when ordering)


BiPE Volume 2

12 pages / color / 5.5 in x 8.5 in / $5.00 (+ $2.00 shipping and handling)

* Free sketch on inside cover! (leave instructions when ordering)


2013 Valentine Cards

7 Pages / Black, White, and Pink / PDF / Pay whatever you think is fair!

*Also includes a printable “To: and From:” backing for each card

BiPE Valentine Cards 2013

2014 Valentine Cards

7 Pages / Black, White, and Pink / PDF / Pay whatever you think is fair!

*Also includes a printable “To: and From:” backing for each card

BiPE Valentine Cards 2014