JJ you’re gonna kill the kid please
Nooooo, again? LOL
Ermagerd I love them so much
Danny looks weird without his earmuffs on. Kinda like when you see Geordie on TNG without his visor. Glad you’re enjoying NYC 🙂
Everything is great, thanks so much for asking! I finally found a place and have been slowly adjusting. NYC is incredible!!
Omg, you’re back ! Did you actually find something affordable in NY ? Either way, all the best and thanks for the new comic.
…He gonna crack his head open on the sink, isn’t he ?
He’s leaning towards the toilet, not the sink, which is in the left of that last panel.
So happy to see an update! Was the moving alright? The page is cute as a button as always 🙂
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All original content Copyright 2009-PRESENT Jay Fuller
JJ you’re gonna kill the kid please
Nooooo, again? LOL
Ermagerd I love them so much
Danny looks weird without his earmuffs on. Kinda like when you see Geordie on TNG without his visor. Glad you’re enjoying NYC 🙂
Everything is great, thanks so much for asking! I finally found a place and have been slowly adjusting. NYC is incredible!!
Omg, you’re back ! Did you actually find something affordable in NY ? Either way, all the best and thanks for the new comic.
…He gonna crack his head open on the sink, isn’t he ?
He’s leaning towards the toilet, not the sink, which is in the left of that last panel.
So happy to see an update! Was the moving alright? The page is cute as a button as always 🙂