Back when I was a kid, I used to hide all kinds of gadgets and goofy accessories in my big winter jacket. What other tricks might Danny have up his sleeve?
Archive for ‘blog’
Thanks to everyone who has encouraged me to embark on this project! The positive response to my early work has already been overwhelming –but in the best way possible.
BIPE will be very loosely based on my own experiences growing up in Rhode Island shortly after I moved to a new neighborhood. That said, I’d also like to use this space to occasionally post actual auto-biographical comics under the title Young Entrepreneurs. Be on the lookout for a young boy with a permanent wink. That’s me!
– Jay
Sorry. Somehow I managed to break my website and lose everything! –well, except, I seem to have all the files and plugins and whatnot. Not quite sure what happened. I will be rebuilding the site piece by piece I guess. What a bummer! Please have patience while I get my house in order. And I’m so sorry that I seem to have lost your wonderful comments!
Saaaaaaad. 🙁